
The Japan Association of Activation Analysis ( JAAA or JA3 ) was founded on 1994 as the interdisciplinaly society for the scientists using nuclear analytical tools. Members belong to wide variety of scientific fields, that is, cosmo-geochemical, enviromental, bio-medical, aglicltural, archeological, forencic and material sciences.
JA3 has a membership of 200 and always opens the door for scientists who are interested in nuclear analytical methods. If you wish to join our member, please contact our secretaiat.
JA3 publishes the journal twice a year. Our mailing list service is always available.

Secretary of 2018-2019

Chief ; T. Miura (AIST)

M. Ebihara (Waseda Univ.)
M. Ishimoto (Univ. Tokyo)
K. Kikawada (Sophia Univ.)
H. Kikunaga (Tohoku Univ.)
H. Matsue (JAEA)
M. Matsuo (Univ. Tokyo)
Y. Miyamoto (JAEA)
T. Ohtsuki (Kyoto Univ.)
Y. Oura (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
S. Sekimoto (Kyoto Univ.)
N. Shirai (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
K. Takamiya (Kyoto Univ.)
Y. Toh (JAEA)


Secretariat of The Japan Association of Activation Analysis
Nuclear Professional School
School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo
In Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195

TEL 81-29-282-5516, FAX 81-29-287-2464
E-mail : ja3-kanji[AT]